I and The Edge of 2022

3 min readJan 2, 2023

Stop comparing yourself to the other, you all are not even on the same shoes. Your life is not a race, nor a competition to find out who wins who.


Today is the edge of 2022 where it means this year will be the last time of 2022 and a second later getting replaced by the new year, 2023. People got so excited and so many people outside waiting for the time to celebrate the day tonight, waiting for the fireworks working on the night of the sky and smiling together with the loved ones.

Such a beautiful time, isn’t it?

But not for me, I don’t celebrate any of kind like this but doesn’t mean I’m against people who do it, I just feel like not really doing it. At the same moment, just taking my laptop and put it on my lap while having a glass of tea and starting to write this copy.

2022 is the year where I have no idea what I’m going to do, I mean we’ve been through so many unexpected days in 2021 and in 2022 just looks the same though literally it doesn’t; I’ve come to realize that each year in my life has a certain theme and personally 2022 is the year where I’ve had so many situations which indirectly affect my stability in thinking.

If talking about 2022, what is the plan have you dreamed of the most during this year? honestly I have one, I want to take an English Test in order to know how far I understand this language. Besides that, it is actually just a piece of my plan whereas many plans I have this year. Taking this test is one of plans I’ve planned that some of which I haven’t done it yet including taking this test; there are some factors why I didn’t take it because I need to prioritize some important things I cannot postpone such as finishing my internship program and my final thesis. So, I’m sure it does same like me, you also have many plans you have done and haven’t done. But how you handle that? some of us usually tend to see the fail moment instead of looking at the small piece we successfully did and give appreciation to it. According to what I see from the society I live near, people likely seeing to something big; something that really affect their aspect of life than seeing the smallest thing which unrealized change their point of view of life.

I’ve realized this year was a complicated but at one moment changed me into something new better. I learn that sometime things we’ve already planned not always going to be in line with our expectation. I’ve set up myself to know that not everything has to be like that, sometime that’s okay if some of our plans cannot go well like what we’ve expected. I completely understand that at least we’ve already tried our best and gave everything including our mind and body to pursue it. sometime hard work doesn’t mean will always give the same result like we want, I’ve learnt the one and only thing I can do is only being thankful of everything I can achieve in my life.

2022 is the year where I unknowingly teach myself to understand and to accept that ‘understanding and accepting’ is the only way to recover ourselves from anything unexpected.

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Hopefully in 2023 I can write consistently here, hope so.




An Indonesian Political Student who likes writing everything but mostly politics, education and life.